Friday, January 22, 2021

Maria Baez' Presentation - English


What is repentance?
It is the means that he has provided us to free ourselves from our sins and
receive forgiveness from them.
Sins slow down our spiritual progress and can even stop it, repentance allows us
to progress and let us perfect spiritually again.

What do we call repentance?
Each of us is on a journey through life, journey whose goal is an eternal
destination. As we travel we hear two voices. One is the voice of the Lord that
persuades us to reach the kingdom Heavenly; the other is the voice of Satan,
which leads us away from the good.
We may confuse these voices until we know the true, and perhaps we believe
that we are doing the right thing, when in we have actually been deceived.
As we learn the gospel of Jesus Christ we will give ourselves realize it, but if we
continue on the wrong path we will arrive at the end of the day and we will
understand that we are not in the kingdom Heavenly. Straying from the right
path is called sin; he guide us on the right path that leads us back to the
Kingdom Heavenly, it is called repentance.
We all need to repent even if our sins are not as serious as those committed by
Nephi's brothers, still we need to repent.
We must regret the things we should not have done like: telling a lie,
badmouthing people, or taking names of the Lord in vain.
We must also regret the things we did not do and what we should have done, for
example; pay tithes, pray often, keeping the Sabbath, befriending our neighbors,
or fulfilling some assignment.

Repentance is possible through the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ,
has a fully effective effect on our life and the Lord forgive our sins; we free
ourselves from the clutches of sin and we find joy and happiness.
To truly repent, we must first understand Instead the gospel plan is the plan of
happiness. Evil never It has brought us, nor will it, nor will it bring us
Faith in Jesus Christ precedes true repentance, it results important to our
understanding, the relationship between repentance and the principle of faith.
Repentance is the second fundamental principle of Gospel.
The first is that we must have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If it weren't for the perfect and sinless life of the Savior, which He voluntarily
delivered for us, there could be no remission of sins. Therefore, repentance
means more than just amending the conduct.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation on which you must cement
sincere and meaningful repentance.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ has granted us the privilege of regret; in some
way that we don't fully understand, Jesus Christ paid for our sins.
President Joseph F. Smith said of this: No man born into this world could have
supported the weight of the burden the son of God endured by taking upon
himself my sins and ours, Christ came into this world and took upon himself our
personal sins condition of our repentance.
Only true repentance is acceptable to God.
D&C 1:31

Repentance requires a powerful change of heart. He third important principle is
that repentance does not require a simple change of course, if not a change in
heart. , and once we have experienced that powerful change, which takes place
only through of Faith in Jesus Christ and of the Spirit working in us, it is as if
we will become a new person

The fourth concept that I would like to emphasize is what Scriptures call "godly
sorrow" because of our sins. Godly sadness is a gift of the Spirit. Is the clear
recognition that our actions have offended our Father and God is the one that
leads us to repentance.

Psalm 34:18

Repentance and baptism are essential to reach be heirs of the Celestial kingdom,
are true principles of the gospel. Brothers there is no one who is more eager to
see us change our life than the Father and the Savior.
Revelation 3:20

Note that it says "I'm at the door and I'm waiting for you touch. ” He calls us,
beckons us to come closer asking us to just open our hearts and make room for
him at
Repentance sometimes requires great courage, a lot of strength, a lot of tears, a
constant prayer and a true effort to live the commandments of the Lord.
The strategy that satan uses with those he has induced to sin, is to whisper in the
ear that they are not worthy of prayer. It is a lie, and he says it to deceive us.
No one is more eager to help you flee from sin than your Heavenly Father, come
to him. We must not lose hope, it is An anchor for the soul of man, Satan wants
us to cast off said anchor.

Isaiah 1: 8

President Spencer W. Kimball stated: There is no royal road to repentance, no
privileged path that lead to forgiveness. Every man must follow the same
course, be it rich or poor, educated or unprepared, tall or short, prince or
beggar, king or commoner. The first step of repentance is admit that we
have sinned. If we don’t, we can’t repent.
The time for reconciliation has come for us to plead to the Lord the spirit of
repentance and that, once we get follow what you tell us.
As long as there is life there is hope, and as long as there is repentance there is
an opportunity to achieve forgiveness. forewarned and not wait until we are on
our deathbed to regret it. Let's not put off repentance, because it is God's will

that man must repent and surrender service while healthy and with the strength
and power of your mind in order to get your blessings, and not wait until you
are next to die. Sinning daily and repenting daily is not pleasing in the sight of

Alma 34: 33,34,35

Sisters the judgments of the Almighty are pouring out, and they will continue,
because God's prophet has said so. We don't we will deliver, unless we repent,
we turn to the Lord, honor our membership in the Church, and be loyal and
faithful to our agreements.

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