Saturday, January 4, 2020

Arcadia Stake Women's Conference 2020

We are excited to announce our 2020 Arcadia Stake Women's Conference.  It will be held on Saturday, January 25th beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Foothill Building.  The theme this year is  "She hath wrought a good work . . . . She hath done what she could."  Mark 14: 6, 8  (Chinese and Spanish invitation)

The inspiration for this theme came from a forum address at BYU, given by Sharon Eubank entitled Turning Enemies into Friends. Consider her beautiful thoughts in this quote.

"You are the gift.  You yourself are the gift.  It is not the clothing, the hygiene kits, the school desks, or the wells.  It is you.  What would it look like if each of us were our own well-stocked humanitarian organization?  Instead of just giving out tangible goods in foreign locations, what if we had the richness of dispensing healing, friendship, respect, peaceful dialogue, sincere interest, protective listening of children, birthday remembrances, and conversations with strangers?  What if that was what your humanitarian organization did?  This kind of humanitarian work can be done by anybody and it can be done at any time.  And you don't need warehouses or fundraising or transportation.  You can be perfectly responsive to any need that comes to you, wherever you are.  If we change our perspective so that caring for the poor and the needy is less about giving stuff away and more about filling the hunger for human contact, providing meaningful conversation, and creating rich and positive relationships, then the Lord can send us someplace.  Every single person can do this on his or her own." 


We are so thrilled to have Sister Sarah Carmichael Parson, the founder of Dolls of Hope (the project we will be working on at our Just Serve Activity in February) as our Keynote Speaker. 

Below is the schedule for the morning.  You will be able to attend three classes, unless you select to go to Sister Jennifer Kemp's class.  In order to do her mindfulness presentation, which will focus on stress, anxiety and depression, her class will extend over the first two class periods.   We are excited to have a class presented in Mandarin and two in Spanish with translation in all three languages for all classes.   At the conclusion of the classes LUNCH WILL BE SERVED!!! Check out the morning schedule below to start planning.  Click on the teacher's name to find out more about them, the title of the class and objective of the class they will be leading.  

The other exciting piece of our conference is that we will be collecting items for our Relief Society Just Serve Project which will be held on Saturday, February 22nd starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Foothill Building.  Click to see what kind of donations we are in need of.  English     Chinese    Spanish

We will also be having a Spanish-singing choir.  If you are inclined at all we would love you to join us for the two rehearsals, January 12th and January 19th both at 5:00 p.m. at the Utah Building - 3214 Utah Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731.

Opening Session 9:00 Chapel -  Sister Sarah Parson


10:00-10:35 10:45-11:20 11:30-12:05

Hillary Miller Newton and
Shauna Miller - ENGLISH

"How Vast is our Purpose"


Hillary Miller Newton and
Shauna Miller - ENGLISH

"How Vast is our Purpose"


Ellen Ogilvie - ENGLISH

"I have work enough to do
for myself and kindred too"


Andrea Serrano - SPANISH

"To serve His children gladly
with a pure and gentle love"


Lety Banuelos - SPANISH

"I have work enough to do
for myself and kindred too"


Annie Finlay - ENGLISH

"To serve His children gladly
with a pure and gentle love"


Jennifer Kemp - ENGLISH

"In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow
that the eye can't see"
This class will consist of both the
first and second class periods.

Jennifer Kemp - ENGLISH

"In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow
that the eye can't see"
This class will consist of both the
first and second class periods.

Chu Chu Garrard - MANDARIN

"We'll build up his kingdom
with earnest endeavor"


Chu Chu Garrard - ENGLISH

"We'll build up his kingdom with
earnest endeavor"


Jenna Weeks - ENGLISH

"I'll share my love again
according to thy Word"


Jenna Weeks - ENGLISH

"I'll share my love again
 according to thy Word"

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