Saturday, January 5, 2019

“Let other women pursue heedlessly what they perceive as their selfish interests. You can be a much needed force for love and truth and righteousness on this planet.”

OBJECTIVE: This class will be a panel of three Amazing Women - Kathy Knudsen, Ginger Daines, and Sonya Johnston.  They will share wisdom that they have gained over a lifetime on what really matters in life and how they came to that conclusion.  There will also be a question and answer period - FANTASTIC!!!!

Kathy Knudsen 

I have lived in Monrovia and the surrounding communities all of my life.  I have four amazing children who have supported and sustained me always and forever.  I have taught school, served as a school administrator and have been active in community service.  I served on the Library Board in Monrovia and worked as the Literacy Coordinator.  After retiring from the field of education I have chosen to work as a Real Estate agent, helping families realize their dream of home ownership.

I love to travel and had the opportunity to live in Saudi Arabia where my daughter was born and my son was baptized in the Red Sea.  I am currently enjoying my most rewarding job of all, being a grandmother.

My faith has been the light that has guided my life.  As I have traveled my own life's journey, I can see how the Lord has pushed and prodded me to gather light and truth along the way.  I can truthfully say the harder the lessons, the sweeter and purer the understanding.

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