Saturday, January 5, 2019

“Let other women pursue heedlessly what they perceive as their selfish interests. You can be a much needed force for love and truth and righteousness on this planet.”

OBJECTIVE: This class will be a panel of three Amazing Women - Ginger Daines, Kathy Knudsen and Sonya Johnston.  They will share wisdom that they have gained over a lifetime on what really matters in life and how they came to that conclusion.  There will also be a question and answer period - FANTASTIC!!!!

Ginger Daines

  Ginger Daines was raised in Encino, but she was not a valley girl! Her mother was very strict and would not let her shave her legs until she was 16 years old. She is still traumatized by her adolescent unshaven legs! 

She attended BYU, Cal State Northridge, and Cal State Hayward, but did not graduate from any of them.  She knew her role was to be a wife and a mother. She met her husband on a blind date, married five months later, and they have been together for almost 52 years.  Marrying Larry is the best thing she's ever done.

She has four sons.  Her first son was colicky for 10 months - it's a miracle she went on to have three more children.  They have been blessed with 11 precious grandchildren.  Her career was raising her sons.  She worked hard serving as room mother and as hospitality chairperson on many PTA boards. 

She has served in many church callings, but her favorite one is den mother.

Her hobbies include watching foreign films, reading good books, being with her grandchildren, floral arranging, decorating homes, experimenting in the kitchen, and conducting probing interviews with people she meets.

Her passion and happiest moments are sitting around her dining room table with family and friends, enjoying a home-cooked meal and engaging in warm, open conversation.

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