Saturday, January 5, 2019

“We want our homes to be blessed with sister scriptorians.” - Utilizing Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families.

OBJECTIVE: To help sisters utilize Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families to increase the frequency and quality of their study and to deepen doctrinal understanding of the scriptures for them and their families.

Bethany Price

I was born and raised in Northern California.  I'm the oldest of 5 girls.  Growing up we fought like crazy.  But now we are all the best of friends along with our mom and talk every day.  Family time growing up really does work!

I went to Ricks College, graduated with an A.A. and worked for 3 years before marrying my husband Jonathan.  We moved to New Jersey when we were 6 months married and I was 5 months pregnant with our first son for my husband's job.  We ended up staying for 6 years and adding 2 girls.  When the youngest was 2 weeks old we moved back to Northern California and had 2 more boys.  Leaving the grand total at 5 ages 15 to 4.  We moved to Arcadia again for my husband's job and have enjoyed being so close to great beaches and Disneyland. 

I have mostly served the youth in my callings in the church.  I have been in Primary in various callings, chorister being my favorite.  Then also in Young Womens which is where I am serving now as Stake Camp Director.  We really have amazing youth and it is so rewarding.  I love the Lord and am grateful for the gospel in my life.

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