Saturday, January 4, 2020

Chu Chu Garrard - "We'll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor"

Objective:  How we are blessed by others sharing the gospel.

Chu Chu was raised by loving parents in Beijing, China and she is the only child in her family. She earned a bachelor's degree in economics in Beijing. In her junior year of college, she met Steve Sessions, a business professor from Denver who is a member of the Church. In 2010 she came to the United States for her master's degree in public administration at USC. Upon her arrival in Los Angeles, she was introduced to the Church by Steve. She started to investigate the Church at the Institute of Religion at USC and was baptized six months later in the Los Angeles Stake. In 2012 she received her endowment in the Los Angeles Temple. In 2013 Chu Chu met her husband Ricky Garrard and got engaged after dating for two months. They were sealed in the Los Angeles Temple in April 2014 and started a life together in Arcadia. Chu Chu works for the USC Keck School of Medicine as the Operations Manager for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. She loves reading, drawing and music. In 2019 she received a merit award in Salt Lake City from the Church's International Art Competition. She has served in the Relief Society, Young Women and Primary organizations. She is grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the light it brings into her life. 

We’ll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor
“Joseph’s conception of humankind was as radical—and as well timed—as his views on deity and revelation. I am not sure which answered the greater hunger of the seeking soul. Here are the four truths about human nature that Joseph taught that would reinvent man.

We are, he declared, eternally existent, inherently innocent, boundlessly free, and infinitely perfectible. These notions simply had to have resonated with special force in a time, as I mentioned earlier, when—even more forcefully than in the Renaissance—traditional strictures on man’s self-understanding were bursting.”
--Terryl L. Givens “Lightning Out of Heaven”: Joseph Smith and the Forging of Community
Self-honesty is the foundation for developing other spiritual strengths. Self-honesty will determine whether obstacles and problems we face in life are stepping stones leading to blessings or stumbling stones leading to spiritual graveyards. Marcus Aurelius, an ancient Roman philosopher, observed the connection between honesty and spiritual growth nearly two thousand years ago: “A man’s true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self-examinations, and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right, without troubling himself about what others may think or say, or whether they do or do not do that which he thinks and says and does.” According to Marcus Aurelius, then, self-honesty is both a prerequisite to greatness and the core quality of integrity.
--Jutta Baum Busche, “The Unknown Treasure,” in Women and the Power Within: To See Life Steadily and See It Whole, ed. Dawn Hall Anderson and Marie Cornwall (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991), 21–28.
For most of us, however, what is required is not to die for the Church but to live for it. For many, living a Christlike life every day may be even more difficult than laying down one’s life. I learned during a time of war that many men were capable of great acts of selflessness, heroism, and nobility without regard to life. But when the war was over and they came home, they could not bear up under the ordinary daily burdens of living and became enslaved by tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and debauchery, which in the end caused them to forfeit their lives.
Some may say: “I am a simple person. I have no stature or position. I am new in the Church. My talents and abilities are limited. My contribution is little.” Or they may say: “I am too old to change. I have already lived my life. Why should I try?” It is never too late to change. Discipleship does not come from positions of prominence, wealth, or advanced learning. The disciples of Jesus came from all walks of life. However, discipleship does require us to forsake evil transgression and enjoy what President Spencer W. Kimball has called “the miracle of forgiveness.”21 This can come only through repentance, which means that we forsake sin and resolve each day to be followers of truth and righteousness. As Jesus taught, “What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.”22
Many think that the price of discipleship is too costly and too burdensome. For some, it involves giving up too much. But the cross is not as heavy as it appears to be. Through obedience we acquire much greater strength to carry it.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”23
Our true claim as disciples comes when we can say with certainty that His ways have become our ways.
--Elder James E. Faust, “Discipleship”, Oct 2006 General Conference

--Terryl L. Givens “Lightning Out of Heaven”: Joseph Smith and the Forging of Community

--Jutta Baum Busche, “The Unknown Treasure,” in Women and the Power Within: To See Life Steadily and See It Whole, ed. Dawn Hall Anderson and Marie Cornwall (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991), 21–28.


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