Wednesday, March 20, 2024

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Friday, December 29, 2023


 Summer Orzo SaladOrzo Pasta Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette - Flavor Mosaic



  • 1 package (16 ounces) orzo pasta
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1-1/2 cups fresh or frozen corn
  • 24 cherry tomatoes, halved 
  • Rotisserie Chicken
  • 2 cups crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 medium cucumber, seeded and chopped
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh mint
  • 2 tablespoons capers, drained and chopped, optional
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 cup sliced almonds, toasted


  • 1. Cook orzo according to package directions for al dente. Drain orzo; rinse with cold water and drain well. Transfer to a large bowl.
  • 2. In a large nonstick skillet, heat 1/4 cup water over medium heat. Add corn; cook and stir until crisp-tender, 3-4 minutes. Add to orzo; stir in tomatoes, feta cheese, cucumber, onion, mint and, if desired, capers. In a small bowl, whisk oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt and pepper until blended. Pour over orzo mixture; toss to coat. Refrigerate 30 minutes. 
  • Just before serving, stir in almonds.

    Zucchini Bread – A Couple Cooks 

  • Zucchini Bread

    3 eggs
    1 Cup oil
    3 Cups sugar
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    2 t vanilla extract
    3 cups unpeeled grated zucchini
    3 Cups flour
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp salt

    Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Pour into 2 greased 9 x 5x 3 loaf pan.  Bake at 325 degrees until center of bread springs back when touched.  About 1 hour.  Cool on rack.  Slice to serve 8-10 servings.


    Rich fudge cake with a chocolate ganache glaze.  An amazing gluten free cake! Fool Proof Flourless Chocolate Cake - Creations by Kara

  • Yield: 12 servings

    Rich fudgy cake with a chocolate ganache glaze. An amazing gluten free cake!



    • 1/2 cup butter
    • 1 cup semi sweet or bittersweet chocolate chips (or half of each)
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 1/8 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder


    • 3 Tbsp butter
    • 2/3 cup high quality semi sweet chocolate chips


    1. Line a round 8" cake pan with parchment paper and spray with non-stick spray. Set aside. Preheat oven to 375°.
    2. Melt butter in a large glass mixing bowl in the microwave. Add the chocolate chips and let sit for 3-4 minutes. Stir together till chips melt, adding additional cooking time if needed. Let cool for 5 minutes.
    3. Whisk the sugar, salt, and vanilla into the chocolate mixture. Add the three eggs and whisk till well blended. Stir in the cocoa powder.
    4. Pour batter into prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake at 375° for 25 minutes or till toothpick comes out clean.
    5. Let cake cool in pan for about 10 minutes, then invert onto a cooling rack. Immediately flip right side up onto another cooling rack. Cool completely.


    1. Combine butter and chocolate chips in a glass bowl. Microwave for 1-3 minutes or till melted, stirring every 30 seconds.
    2. Spread glaze over cake. Let sit for several hours till chocolate sets.
    3. Serve cake as is, or with fresh berries, whipped cream, or ice cream.



MEGGAN CLAYTON - Keynote Speaker


Meggan grew up in Utah, the oldest of six kids. She graduated from Park City High School. She studied Child Development at Utah Valley University in Orem. She felt called to CA and transferred to Irvine Valley College where she studied Interior Design and Art History.  While in California she met her husband Craig through her Father who worked with him. Her father felt prompted to line Craig and Meggan up. Heaven was in the details and they were engaged in two weeks and sealed 3 months later. Meggan and Craig celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary in December.  They are parents to six children.   She is “GG” to two grandsons. She loves to nurture and has raised; chickens, ducks,rodents,dogs and cats and as a teen she loved  riding her horse. Meggan loved spending time with her growing kids. When her youngest was in elementary school she decided to apply for a position in their school district. She worked in classrooms with young  students with autism in the Newport Mesa School District for ten years. She was recently released from serving as second counselor in the Newport Beach Stake Relief Society presidency after five plus years. She organized multiple mid-single conferences during that time. Participating in this presidency has led to cherished, enduring friendships! Last May she graduated from “sometimes empty nester” to “full time empty nester”.  Since then, she has enjoyed pursuing her life-long dream of taking dance lessons. She participates in multiple weekly dance cardio and hip hop classes and loves them!Meggan loves the beach, concerts , cycling, tennis , skiing , Disneyland , traveling and weekly temple dates with her husband.She is currently self employed as a Collagen educator in the beauty and wellness industry. 




Kylie and her Mom Julie Cole will be teaching the class entitled JOY in the Scriptures.  Kylie Cole is a young single adult born and raised in Arcadia, California. She currently serves as an advisor in the young women’s presidency of Arcadia ward.  Some of her favorite things to do include making music (arranging covers, playing guitar, singing, occasionally writing) and listening to music (Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, The Killers, Shinedown), most anything crafty, creative writing, learning languages, and spending time with her family’s four dogs. She is currently studying for a degree in Spanish at Pasadena City College with the goal of becoming a translator and interpreter (if you are a Spanish speaker, come say hi! She’s still learning, but welcomes any chance to practice!). She is excited to join her mother in teaching the sisters in the stake about experiencing joy in the scriptures!



Julie and her daughter Kylie will be teaching a class entitled JOY in the Scriptures. 

My name is Julie Cole. I was recently asked what my interests were and my mind went blank. I had nothing. All I know is that I am just living my life doing fun things and hard things and hopefully growing and learning. Here’s my list:  I’ve been married 42 years. I have 6 boys and 1 daughter. My oldest is 40, my youngest is 20. I’ve done upholstery, I sew, I craft, I garden, I cut hair, I LOVE Pickleball, I love being in bed, I love TV, I love the scriptures, I love growing my testimony, I love all the opportunities for growth and change, I love the temple.


Joyel is from the Valley View Ward and she will be teaching the class - Joy in Thinking Celestial.

My name is Joyel Dandie, and it literally means JOY, so it makes sense I was asked to be a part of this incredible women's conference about everyday joy. It is something I think about often.  There is so much that brings me joy on this earth, such as my family, which consists of three young boys under nine and two older step-children, which includes a son-in-law, and I have a new granddaughter a few weeks old.

I have been working in the recreation field for over 30 years and currently hold the position of recreation community service leader. I decided to pursue a communications degree and am now studying at Ensign College. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, gardening, and caring for my chickens and ducks.

My goal is to spread joy in my family, job, and community. I am excited about the opportunity to speak at the conference about discovering joy in thinking celestial.


Ginger Daines is from the Arcadia Ward and she will be teaching Joy in Entertaining with Sandy White.   "When I was born, I was named Virginia Alice Nelson, by the time I was 2 years old, because of being full of sass and salsa, I earned the name of Ginger.  I was raised in Encino, California and I have two brothers.  I attended BYU, Cal State Northridge and Cal State Hayward.  I met my husband, Larry, on a blind date.  We were married 5 months later.  If I had not proposed to him, he would still be single.  I just love to spend the day in my kitchen.  I learned the joy of cooking and entertaining from my mother, it was her hobby too.  Table fellowship and gathering of family and friends around the table makes me so happy!   We have 4 sons and 12 grandchildren.  Two of our granddaughters are serving missions, one in Hong Kong and one in Washington D.C. South.  I love the theme of this year's Stake Relief Society Conference.  I am thrilled to be able to participate today.  My husband wants you all to know that the best thing I ever did was to marry him. 


Sandy White is from the Arcadia Ward and she will be co teaching the Joy in Entertaining class with Ginger Daines.   "My name is Sandy White and I was born and raised in Brigham City, Utah, home of the best peaches in the country.  I grew up picking, eating and canning that delicious fruit.  I’m the oldest of six children and grew up watching and helping my mom cook, bake and preserve fruits and vegetables.  My husband Bill and I met at BYU on our first day during freshman orientation and have been married 55 years.  We have 3 children,  1 girl and 2 boys and 13 grandchildren. During our years at BYU until the present time we have always loved cooking and entertaining.  We have always enjoyed meeting people and growing lasting friendships through food."

JOY IN THE JOURNEY - Jennie Doezie

I was born in Washington and raised in Sierra Madre, and have lived most of my adult life in southern California-- including West LA, Pasadena, and Newport Beach, prior to moving to Monrovia in 2021. I come from a blended family and have a total of nine siblings, with 31 nieces and nephews-- plus 3 on the way--and, as I also have a ton of friends-who-are-family, I'm lucky to be an honorary aunt and daughter to many more :). I've been a student at BYU twice, first as an undergrad with an Illustration BFA and Art Education BA, and most recently again in 2019-21 pursuing an art education Master's Degree. Professionally, I've had all kinds of jobs (See's Candy, Williams-Sonoma, and Wilderness Trails dude ranch were some faves; the assembly-line temp jobs definitely not) but primarily I'm an art teacher, and have primarily taught screen printing the last 15 years at Arcadia High! I love my job -- and I love all things artisan-craft-based (bookbinding, blacksmithing, letterpress, woodworking etc), but my TRUE passion... is OUTSIDE of the classroom.

And I mean that literally! I'm happiest when traveling, in the outdoors, or adventuring, and especially when it's a combo of all three! I generally go on a big international adventure every year, and though Iceland is my absolute favorite country to hike and to photograph, and I'm looking forward to visit #4!... I've been able to add five new countries to my list in the last couple years for a (current) grand total of 55! I've lived in Austria twice--first as a full-time missionary and later as a Fulbright teaching assistant, spent three amazing summers volunteering in India, worked seasonally on cruise ships for six years (French Polynesia in summer 2004 was incredible!), and have hiked in Yosemite more consecutive years than I can count. Sometimes I get to travel with friends, two times I've gone on a BYU Study Abroad (that's the best!), but most of the time I am out there solo, and loving it. I call travel my Great Compensation Prize for the life I yearned for but didn't get, and I'm grateful for experiences and adventures I've had and the great JOY of that incredible world out there!



We are so excited to have Sister Angie Jensen come back to our Stake to teach a class on  Joy in Family Traditions, especially EASTER!!  "I, Angela Jensen, was born and raised on a farm in Alberta, Canada as the 7 th of 9 children. I went to the same school building from kindergarten to graduation and my tiny ward served as my beloved extended family. I met my husband, Grant, my freshman year at BYU and we were later married in the Alberta temple. After graduating from BYU in Zoology with a minor in Chemistry along with Secondary Education, I taught middle school math and science for 2 years while Grant finished at BYU. We then headed to California for Grant’s graduate studies at Stanford and Berkeley and I transitioned to motherhood and part-time tutoring. We eventually settled in Arcadia and were immediately embraced by the wonderful people in that ward. We absolutely cherish our 18 years in the Arcadia stake, where we raised our 6 children and made life-long friendships with so many of you. In 2020 Grant was invited to take a role at BYU that we felt God was leading us to. After months of prayer and fasting, we said a COVID-style goodbye to our dear California friends and moved to Provo, Utah with our two youngest children. It has been a challenging few years since and I am learning to appreciate the lessons God is teaching me with each experience and the ways it has drawn me closer to Him. I love almost all sports; I enjoy travelling, baking, skiing, hiking, reading, sewing, and anything that involves being with my kids and family. I have most recently discovered the joys of being a grandma.


Me llamo Laura Martínez y soy de la Rama de Buena Vista, nací en la ciudad de México y crecí en Cuautla Morelos México, llegué a esta país a la edad de 17 años y aquí continué mis estudios hasta graduarme en la preparatoria de la ciudad de Duarte, mi esposo Enrique Martínez y yo hemos estado casados por 24 años y tenemos cuatro maravillosos hijos, Jared, Sheyla, Keily y Jacob. Gracias a mi abuelita materna mis padres conocieron el evangelio y por lo tanto ellos nos lo enseñaron desde muy pequeños a mi hermana mayor, a mi hermano menor y a mi, crecí sabiendo que había en el cielo un Padre Celestial amoroso que me amaba apesar de mis defectos y mis debilidades, mi padre me bautizó a la edad de 8 años y participé en la Primaria y también en las Mujeres Jóvenes, mis padres siempre me han enseñado que estar en la iglesia de Jesucristo De Los Santos De Los Últimos Días es la mejor decisión que he tomado en mi vida y ahora yo como madre he transmitido esa misma enseñanza a mis hijos, que se sin ninguna duda que es el mejor camino que pueden escoger en su travesía por esta vida terrenal, la cual es permanecer al lado del Señor Jesucristo, es una bendición poder servirle por medio de los diferentes llamamientos a los cuales he tenido la oportunidad de servir, es una bendición pertenecer a la única y verdadera iglesia de mi Salvador Jesucristo.

My name is Laura Martínez and I am from the Buena Vista Branch, I was born in Mexico City and grew up in Cuautla Morelos Mexico, I arrived to this country at the age of 17 and here I continued my studies until I graduated from Duarte high school, my husband Enrique Martínez and I have been married for 24 years and we have four wonderful children, Jared, Sheyla, Keily and Jacob. Thanks to my maternal grandmother my parents knew the gospel and therefore they taught it to my older sister, my younger brother and me at a very young age, I grew up knowing that there was a loving Heavenly Father in heaven who loved me despite my defects and weaknesses, my father baptized me at the age of 8 and I participated in Primary and also in Young Women, my parents have always taught me that being in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the best decision I have taken in my life and now I as a mother have transmitted that same teaching to my children, which I know without any doubt that it is the best path they can choose in their journey through this earthly life, which is to remain at the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a blessing to be able to serve him through the different callings to which I have had the opportunity to serve, it is a blessing to belong to the only and true church of my Savior Jesus Christ