Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Shannon Cisneros - Youth Keynote Speaker - "We, Being Many are ONE"

Shannon loves chips and salsa, chocolate chip cookie dough, and pork dumplings

from Din Tai Fung. More than that, she loves working with the youth and opportunities she’s been given to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Shannon is currently serving as second counselor in her ward’s YW presidency. She and her husband Dave were blessed to live in the West Arcadia Ward when they were first married, but they moved across country, living in Michigan, Kansas, and Minnesota before finally returning to Southern California. They currently reside in the nearby Glendora Stake and love being back close to the family and friends they grew up with.

Shannon has served in many auxiliaries in the Church, but her favorite callings have been seminary teacher, Stake Young Women’s President, and primary music leader.  (Even though she can’t carry a tune, she loves the simple gospel truths that come from knowing “I am a Child of God,” and she really does “love to see the temple;” in fact, she can often be found “going there some day.”)

Shannon is the mother of five children, and loves being “Grannie Shan” to her four grandchildren. She enjoys reading, running, and hiking in the foothills. She loves podcasts and warm, sunny days, and she credits the teachings of President Nelson and the Come Follow Me program with her deepened love for and understanding of the gospel.

Shannon graduated from BYU with a bachelors degree in history and from Cal Poly Pomona with a masters degree in English and has loved the opportunities it has given her to teach formally and informally in church callings, in the schools, and in the community. She loves the youth and is honored to be invited to be part of this year’s Arcadia Stake Women’s Conference.

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