Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Then Shall Thy Confidence Wax Strong" D & C 121:45

Working on Gaining Spiritual Confidence


Megan Finlay - Duarte Ward
I grew up mostly in South Jordan, Utah.  I am the fourth of eleven kids and have always loved  being home with my family.  I am an avid Brigham Young University fan and while still in high school I read through the list of majors offered at BYU, was surprised to find you could major in play (Recreation Management) and knew it was the right fit for me.  After graduating I worked for a few years organizing day camps, field trips and special events before eventually using my degree as a stay-at-home mom to manage all the adventures of our family.  I met James when we were both freshmen at BYU and wrote to him while he served a mission in Brazil; we married about a year after he got home.  We lived in Michigan for four years while he attended Veterinary school.  His residency and PH.D. program at the City of Hope brought us to Duarte, the city where he grew up.  He is now employed as a Clinical Veterinarian/Assistant Research Professor at the City of Hope and we have purchased a house and settled here.  We have three kids (ages 10, 8, and 4) that keep me busy as I volunteer at school and for their sports.  We love to travel as a family and especially enjoyed visiting my parents last year in Ecuador where they were serving a mission and going out to the Galapagos Islands.  Central Coast California is one of our favorite places to visit and we go back as often as we can.  I love to read, but usually listen to the books so I can still cook, clean or go running at the same time.

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