Our ability to care for others
is increased when we have a meaningful relationship with them.
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The invitation to minister to others
is an opportunity to build caring relationships with them—the kind of
relationship that would make them comfortable asking for or accepting
our help. When we have made the effort to develop that kind of
relationship, God is able to change lives on both sides of the
“I truly believe there is no
significant change without significant relationships,” said Sharon
Eubank, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. And
for our acts of service to be transformational in the lives of others,
she said, they must be “rooted in the sincere desire to heal and listen
and cooperate and respect.”1
Meaningful relationships aren’t tactics. They are built on compassion, sincere efforts, and “love unfeigned” (D&C 121:41).2
Ways to Build and Strengthen Relationships
“We build [relationships] one person at a time,” said Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.3 As we strive to build meaningful relationships with those we minister to, the Holy Ghost can guide us. The following suggestions are based on a pattern Elder Uchtdorf offered.4
Spend time together.
A relationship takes time to
develop. Look for opportunities to maintain contact. Studies show that
letting people know you care is essential to healthy relationships.5
Visit often with those you are called to serve. Talk with them at
church. Use whatever additional means make sense—such as email,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, phone calls, or sending a card.
Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
spoke about the power of simple and creative expressions of love and
support: “Often I would open my scriptures, … and I would find an
affectionate, supportive note [my wife] Jeanene had slipped into the
pages. … Those precious notes … continue to be a priceless treasure of
comfort and inspiration.”6
Also, remember that a relationship
takes two. You can offer love and friendship, but the relationship
won’t grow unless the offer is accepted and returned. If the other
individual seems unreceptive, don’t force the relationship. Give him or
her time to see your sincere efforts, and if necessary, counsel with
your leaders about whether or not a meaningful relationship still seems
like a possibility.
Learn about them.
President Ezra Taft Benson
(1899–1994) taught, “You can’t serve well those you don’t know well.” He
suggested knowing the names of each family
member and being aware of important events such as birthdays,
blessings, baptisms, and marriages. This provides the opportunity to
write a note or make a call to congratulate a family member on a special
achievement or accomplishment.7
Communicate with caring.
Building meaningful relationships
requires us to go beyond the superficial. Superficial communication is
full of small talk about schedules, the weather, and other minor issues,
but it doesn’t include sharing the feelings, beliefs, goals, and
concerns necessary to make more meaningful connections. Heavenly Father
has modeled this more meaningful kind of communication by sharing His
feelings and plans with His Son (see John 5:20) and with us through His prophets (see Amos 3:7).
By sharing day-to-day events and life’s challenges with each other as
guided by the Spirit, we gain appreciation for each other as we find
common interests and shared experiences.
Listening is a critical part of communicating that you care.8
When you listen carefully, your opportunity to help others come unto
Christ increases as you gain understanding and insight into their needs
and as they feel loved, understood, and safe.
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Appreciate differences as well as commonalities.
“Some … believe that the Church
wants to create every member from a single mold—that each one should
look, feel, think, and behave like every other,” said Elder Uchtdorf.
“This would contradict the genius of God, who created every man
different from his brother. …
“The Church thrives when we take
advantage of this diversity and encourage each other to develop and use
our talents to lift and strengthen our fellow disciples.”9
To love others the way God loves
us requires that we try to see others the way God sees them. President
Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018) taught, “We must develop the capacity to
see [others] not as they are at present but as they may become.”10
We can pray for help to see others the way God does. As we treat others
based on their potential for growth, they are likely to rise to the
Serve them.
Be sensitive to the needs of those
you minister to and be willing to give of your time and talents,
whether in time of need or just because you care. You can be there to
provide comfort, support, and needed help when there is an emergency,
illness, or urgent situation. But in too many relationships we are
reactive. God gave us agency so that we can act rather than be acted
upon (see 2 Nephi 2:14). Just as the Apostle John taught that we love God because He first loved us (see 1 John 4:19), when others feel our genuine love through our acts of service, it can soften hearts and increase love and trust.12 This creates an upward spiral of kind acts that can build relationships.
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