Monday, February 22, 2021

Suzanne Hall - Arcadia Ward

Like Nephi, I was born of goodly parents. I was raised in the Utah, the 5th of 6 children. My parents both passed away in the last year, and I am eternally grateful for loving and devoted parents, who taught me from my earliest beginnings to have faith. Even through their own personal trials, they were always faithful and loved the Lord, and were examples of peace of love. This was the greatest gift they gave me.

I have been married 39 years to my sweetheart, President Hall, and we have 5 children. Our youngest, Daniel who is in the mission with us has several disabilities. Our youngest daughter Rachel is a full time missionary in Arizona. Our three oldest children have blessed us with 7 Grandsons and 1 Granddaughter. I love being a mother and Grandmother to these wonderful spirits!
Though I was born in Utah and spent 12 years of our marriage there, we have lived most of our married life outside of Utah, including Connecticut, Madrid Spain and then the last 20 years in the Northwest suburbs of Washington DC in Virginia.
One of my favorite scriptures is found in The Book of Mormon. In 3 Nephi 11: 10-11. I know that we have a Savior who is Jesus Christ. He is our Redeemer through His atoning sacrifice and is our greatest example. This is His Church and through repentance the remission of my sins are made possible because of Him and His sacrifice. He did this because he loves the father and loves each one of us.
My loving Heavenly Father loves each of us and watches over us. I have felt the Atonement in my life. When I am sent to my knees with questions, for which I have no answers, or with the need for comfort, answers always comes through the enabling power of the Atonement of my Savior. I rely on this daily, and receive the spiritual peace and guidance that I find from it.
I love the Book of Mormon and have read it multiple times and seek to read it every day. I have asked and know personally that the Book of Mormon is true. The Holy Ghost has testified this to me and continues to do so in my life.
The Gospel has been restored in this the final dispensation, through a young boy prophet, Joseph Smith. A Prophet called of God helped usher in the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all the priesthood keys and blessings, and the Church continues today to be led by our living Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson.
Why am I here serving as a Mission Leader for the next three years? The Gospel brings me peace and joy that the world will not. We are loved and have eternal blessings that await all of us. The Savior shall return to the earth someday. He is hope, love and peace. He leads us to happiness and eternal life. I love him.


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