Monday, March 1, 2021

Hermana Eliza Gray


Yo se que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero. Pude orar a mi Padre Celestial y preguntarle si es verdadero. Yo sentí el espíritu Santo testificado a mi que el Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Cristo. No tengo ningún duda que somos los hijos y hijas de Dios y que Él nos ama tanto!! Dios sabe los sentimientos de su corazón y siempre quiere ayudarle! Recuerda que Él le ama y yo también!
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I was able to pray to my Heavenly Father and ask him if it is true. I felt the Holy Spirit testify to me that the Book of Mormon is the word of Christ. I have no doubt that we are the sons and daughters of God and that He loves us so much !! God knows the feelings in your heart and always wants to help you! Remember that He loves you and so do I! - Hermana Eliza Gray - Serving from the Monrovia Ward. Eliza was originally called to the Chile Santiago East mission but is finishing up her mission in a week or so in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission

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