Thursday, March 4, 2021

Suzan Strong Dunbar - Valley View Ward


I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with my grandparents when I was growing up. We lived close to them all and most weekends I was spending the night with one set or the other. My father’s mother, Grandma Strong, was a force of nature, always the focus in the room. Grandpa Strong was quiet and thoughtful. Grandpa’s life was filled with struggle. In order to create a better situation, Grandma and Grandpa moved their young family west to California in the 1940's. It was a bold and courageous choice, leaving behind their circle of support.

I watched my grandfather as he turned his home in the San Fernando Valley into a small oasis. He took pride in everything he had and did, growing a vegetable garden and creating a bird aviary. Both Grandma and Grandpa were hard workers. Grandpa Strong grew up in a time and place where racism didn’t just exist, it was expected. The diversity of California brought change to his thoughts and ideas. He recognized that building individual relationships was the way to overcome barriers. He taught me by example the value of learning about others and their circumstances, never judging what we don’t understand. With Grandpa Strong, I felt completely loved. He died when I was in high school, and the loss was keen. I was thrilled when, in October 1988, my husband served as proxy for Grandpa Strong’s temple ordinances. I was blessed with a personal and sacred witness of

Grandpa’s joy at this event.
I know that our Father in Heaven loves all His children. He has a plan for each of us, no matter our past or current circumstance. He wants us to love others--to share our stories and hear theirs. He has given us the tools of missionary and temple/family history work to gather Israel, “on both sides of the veil,” as President Nelson often says. By sharing our testimony with others, through simple words or example, we move that gathering forward. This life is not the end. I know that because of our Savior I am able to one day again be with those whom I love so much. –Suzan Strong Dunbar - Valley View Ward

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