Friday, December 29, 2023


Kylie and her Mom Julie Cole will be teaching the class entitled JOY in the Scriptures.  Kylie Cole is a young single adult born and raised in Arcadia, California. She currently serves as an advisor in the young women’s presidency of Arcadia ward.  Some of her favorite things to do include making music (arranging covers, playing guitar, singing, occasionally writing) and listening to music (Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, The Killers, Shinedown), most anything crafty, creative writing, learning languages, and spending time with her family’s four dogs. She is currently studying for a degree in Spanish at Pasadena City College with the goal of becoming a translator and interpreter (if you are a Spanish speaker, come say hi! She’s still learning, but welcomes any chance to practice!). She is excited to join her mother in teaching the sisters in the stake about experiencing joy in the scriptures!

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