Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Let not your heart be troubled" - Staying Positive - John 14:1

"Happy means keeping the laws of God and building and lifting others" Sharon Eubank, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency

Eva Garcia - Temple City Ward


I was born in Mexico and was raised in El Paso, Texas.  Our family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah when I was 17 years old.  While attending high school as a senior I met a friend who invited me to attend church Young Women's activities with her.  After graduating from high school I was baptized.  I attended the University of Utah and graduated with an elementary teaching credential.  I taught school two years in Salt Lake City before meeting my husband and being sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.  We moved to California and had five children (four boys and one girl).  During this time I went to Cal State University, Los Angeles and completed my Masters in Educational Administration.  I am currently retired and divorced after working for 40 years as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and District Administrator for the Los Angeles Unified School District.  I love serving as the Stake Primary President, cooking and spending time at home with my family and three grandchildren.  I love celebrating life through the holidays and family.  The sunshine, my grandchildren and an organized house makes me really happy.

 Sister Garcia will teach one class in Spanish and one class in English.

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