Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Art Thou Convinced of the Power of God?" - Alma 30:51

Finding power when we make and keep covenants

Alva Tsai - Mountain View ward


I was married in Nan Jing, China in 1995 and immigrated to the United States in 1996.  Los Angeles was my first stop and I have been living here ever since.  In the same year, 3 months before I gave birth to my daughter, I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Last month, my daughter returned safely from her mission in Minnesota and is now studying at BYU.  In 2007 with the help of God, I received a degree in graphic design. Although my job did not relate to my degree, I liked working at an engineering firm as a secretary and drafter.  I have served in my ward's Primary, Sunday School, Young Women, and Relief Society.  I like art, cooking and music.  Dancing has been a new found hobby of mine.  I love the gospel and am serving with a passion.

This Class will be taught in Mandarin.


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