Saturday, January 5, 2019

"Female exemplars of the Church will be a significant force in both the numerical and the spiritual growth of the Church in the last days. It will be the good relationships of women that will trigger much of the major growth coming to the church in the years ahead.”

OBJECTIVE: How can we be Female Exemplars and how can our sisterhood, love, example and invitation to good women (inside and outside the church and those closest to us) assist in the great prophecy of women gathering  Israel?

Mary Jane Card 

Mary Jane Card has lived within the Arcadia Stake for the last 55 years and presently lives in the Arcadia Ward.  She has two daughters, Colleen and Catherine, and four and a half grandchildren.  She has been married to Bill Card for 45 years.
She served a proselyting mission to the Northern Native American Reservations and a second mission as a senior missionary to the Honolulu, Hawaii Mission as a special Program Specialist for the iWORK Students attending Brigham Young University-Hawaii.
She has a B.A. in Human Development and a M.A. in Special Education.  Her educational occupation included working as a classroom Special Education teacher for Elementary, Middle and High School.  She considers a highlight in her career in working with students in a transitional Life Skills program at Temple City High School.

She also enjoyed being a part of the Monrovia Community, serving as P.T.A. President, Member of the Children's Hospital Guild of Monrovia, Girl Scout Leader, and a Community Service Commissioner for the City of Monrovia.

She has been blessed to serve numerous Church callings within the Church, both working with children, youth and adults.  She has been Primary President, YW President, Relief Society President, Stake Young Women's President and a Seminary Teacher.

She is honored to be a part of this Arcadia Stake Women's Conference today and hopes that each woman attending the Conference will feel the Spirit of the Gospel as they reflect on their role as a woman in building up the Lord's Kingdom.

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