Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Melody Simmons - "God is Preparing you for what He has promised you."

I am a wife to John Simmons and mother to 5 children. I’ve been married 30 years and have lived my

whole married life in Monrovia. I grew up in Tucson, Arizona and Visalia, California and moved to Pasadena after graduating high school on a whim. I have my Associates in Fine and Performing Arts and hope to go back to school and get an English Degree.

I have served in every auxiliary in the Church and I’m currently serving as a Stake Seminary Teacher. I love my calling and I love being with the Youth as we learn the Gospel together. I’m definitely feeling my age waking up that early, but I look forward to it every time.

I have dabbled in art in one form or another and my current way of expressing myself is through quilting and baking. I enjoy exercising outdoors and love the mountains, rain, and rivers. The beauty created for us is astounding. I continue to find joy as my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ grows and I learn to rely on them more and more.

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