Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Amy Gray - A Powerful Pattern for Parenting

 Hi! I’m Amy Gray from the Monrovia Ward. I was born and raised in the Arcadia Stake, the middle child

of five children. I had the best childhood and was raised by fabulous parents that taught me the value of hard work and service to others. My husband Frank grew up in the Long Beach Stake and we met at a Young Single Adults Dance in Hacienda Heights. We have been married for 29 years and have 4 children: Wyatt (25), Eliza (22), Charlotte (20) and Zane (18). We also have a wonderful daughter-in-law Ruta who served as a missionary here in the California Arcadia Mission. I am now looking forward to learning how to be an empty nester and parent to adult children. I work full time in Program Management for Webasto Charging Systems, an electric vehicle charging company in Monrovia. I have recently been called as Ward Activities Coordinator.  I am looking forward to planning fun and inviting ward activities in 2023.  Feel free to share any of your creative ideas! For fun I love to quilt and hope to be an amazing quilter when I grow up.  My favorite hymn is “Count Your Many Blessings.” Through the many challenges of life, there are always blessings to be counted and named one by one.

English presentation here.
For Chinese translation click here

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