Friday, December 29, 2023


We are so excited to have Sister Angie Jensen come back to our Stake to teach a class on  Joy in Family Traditions, especially EASTER!!  "I, Angela Jensen, was born and raised on a farm in Alberta, Canada as the 7 th of 9 children. I went to the same school building from kindergarten to graduation and my tiny ward served as my beloved extended family. I met my husband, Grant, my freshman year at BYU and we were later married in the Alberta temple. After graduating from BYU in Zoology with a minor in Chemistry along with Secondary Education, I taught middle school math and science for 2 years while Grant finished at BYU. We then headed to California for Grant’s graduate studies at Stanford and Berkeley and I transitioned to motherhood and part-time tutoring. We eventually settled in Arcadia and were immediately embraced by the wonderful people in that ward. We absolutely cherish our 18 years in the Arcadia stake, where we raised our 6 children and made life-long friendships with so many of you. In 2020 Grant was invited to take a role at BYU that we felt God was leading us to. After months of prayer and fasting, we said a COVID-style goodbye to our dear California friends and moved to Provo, Utah with our two youngest children. It has been a challenging few years since and I am learning to appreciate the lessons God is teaching me with each experience and the ways it has drawn me closer to Him. I love almost all sports; I enjoy travelling, baking, skiing, hiking, reading, sewing, and anything that involves being with my kids and family. I have most recently discovered the joys of being a grandma.

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