Friday, December 29, 2023

JOY IN THE JOURNEY - Jennie Doezie

I was born in Washington and raised in Sierra Madre, and have lived most of my adult life in southern California-- including West LA, Pasadena, and Newport Beach, prior to moving to Monrovia in 2021. I come from a blended family and have a total of nine siblings, with 31 nieces and nephews-- plus 3 on the way--and, as I also have a ton of friends-who-are-family, I'm lucky to be an honorary aunt and daughter to many more :). I've been a student at BYU twice, first as an undergrad with an Illustration BFA and Art Education BA, and most recently again in 2019-21 pursuing an art education Master's Degree. Professionally, I've had all kinds of jobs (See's Candy, Williams-Sonoma, and Wilderness Trails dude ranch were some faves; the assembly-line temp jobs definitely not) but primarily I'm an art teacher, and have primarily taught screen printing the last 15 years at Arcadia High! I love my job -- and I love all things artisan-craft-based (bookbinding, blacksmithing, letterpress, woodworking etc), but my TRUE passion... is OUTSIDE of the classroom.

And I mean that literally! I'm happiest when traveling, in the outdoors, or adventuring, and especially when it's a combo of all three! I generally go on a big international adventure every year, and though Iceland is my absolute favorite country to hike and to photograph, and I'm looking forward to visit #4!... I've been able to add five new countries to my list in the last couple years for a (current) grand total of 55! I've lived in Austria twice--first as a full-time missionary and later as a Fulbright teaching assistant, spent three amazing summers volunteering in India, worked seasonally on cruise ships for six years (French Polynesia in summer 2004 was incredible!), and have hiked in Yosemite more consecutive years than I can count. Sometimes I get to travel with friends, two times I've gone on a BYU Study Abroad (that's the best!), but most of the time I am out there solo, and loving it. I call travel my Great Compensation Prize for the life I yearned for but didn't get, and I'm grateful for experiences and adventures I've had and the great JOY of that incredible world out there!


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