Friday, December 29, 2023


Barbara Terrill is from the Monrovia Ward and will be teaching the class entitled JOY in Grandparenting.  I was born in Glendale and raised in the San Fernando Valley. I was the third of 12 children – and that fact has dictated much of my way of being. I attended and graduated from BYU Provo with a degree in English and minor in French. I married Harry Terrill in 1967 in the LA Temple, but we headed back to Utah – and stayed awhile, but then returned to SoCal. I was reluctant to come – did a lot of foot-dragging. One winter here, however, reminded me why SoCal is such a great place to live. Have never regretted coming back. I spent 20+ years teaching in the Monrovia School District. I was a middle school Special Ed teacher and never once thought my English degree had been a “waste of time.” And I didn’t resent having to take more classes – I am happiest taking classes. After retiring I did Home/Hospital teaching, but the pandemic ended that – but I wasn’t too sad about it – retirement suits me just fine.
We have 6 children, 24 grandchildren, and one great grandson. Grandparenthood is the best – more folks to send cards to! I make aprons and send birthday cards – and random other cards. I like to think I am supporting the US Postal service! All of my time is spare time – I have been known to do household chores in my spare time! But I love to read and write letters and read and make aprons and read and have the grandkids over for some rock painting and read and watch PBS with Harry – a good man – and you know, sometimes they are hard to find.

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