Friday, December 29, 2023

JOY IN THE JOURNEY - Michelle and Richard Chung


Sister and Brother Chung join us from the Hacienda Heights Stake and they will be teaching a class entitled "Joy in the Journey"  Michelle and Richard Chung joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Hong Kong more than 40 years ago. They met each other while attending college at BYU-Hawaii and were married at the Laie Hawaii Temple. They moved to Los Angeles in 1985 and raised up two sons and a daughter in West Covina, CA.  They have one grandson and will become grandparents again in May 2024, which they are both very excited about this. Richard had served a 2-year mission in Hong Kong. Both Michelle and Richard have been very blessed with many different church callings at the ward and the stake levels as well as serving at the Los Angeles Temple Chinese session for many years.  They are so grateful to be able to do our Lord's work on earth. They both love nature and like to travel.  Richard is a hobby photographer and enjoys capturing all the beautiful sceneries while traveling.  Their goal is to visit all the U.S. National Parks and travel all over the world during their golden years.  They are both retired and enjoy the new chapter of their lives.


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