Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Self Reliance Testimonial - Sonya Johnston

I am at a point in my life that there isn’t a self reliance group that I really need. I just retired so I’m not looking for work. I have no desire to start a business at this point in my life. I’m finished with my formal education having earned a masters degree. The finance group I might have been able to have learned something new but so far financially I am okay.
However, with all this said I did facilitate a group. The group I facilitated was Get a Job, or get a better job. Here are some of the benefits I received from doing this.
  •      One, I can honestly say our little group are now close friends. We will be lifelong friends after this.
  •     I’ve learned what it takes to get a job in today’s world. The great thing in this group was the different levels of experience and how everyone had something to contribute. I’m sure the things that were shared in this group helped someone in our group. 
  •      Everyone in our group had different needs , but we were all there to listen and offer our support. Weekly the group members contacted each other checking on their progress. We were there to cheer their successes and also when they reached their low points to encourage them to keep trying. 
  •      One of the suggestions for the foundation principles was to give service to someone in need. Our group decided to help out one of our former members ( he came two weeks but had to quit because of his work schedule). We put together a care package of things he needed. Everyone contributed what they could. Seeing the care they each had to help another was inspiring.
     I think anyone who is willing to facilitate a group will have similar experiences. We all can benefit from sharing our experiences and helping others.   Sonya Johnston - Valley View Ward

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