Saturday, January 5, 2019

“We want our homes to be blessed with sister scriptorians.” - Utilizing Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families.

OBJECTIVE: To help sisters utilize Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families to increase the frequency and quality of their study and to deepen doctrinal understanding of the scriptures for them and their families.

Marcia Damiano

I grew up in the Bay Area in Northern California, #4 child out of 6 children.  My parents taught me the gospel and I gained a testimony at a very young age.  I have 4 sisters and one brother; they have always been a sweet familial support net to me all my life.  I went to BYU and majored in violin performance and minored in Italian.  I met the love of my life there and I got married my senior year and was blessed to get pregnant right away.  I graduated in spite of severe morning sickness. That was a miracle.  We have 5 beautiful daughters that have grown up to be fabulous women and my best friends, a blessing I did not foresee when they were "angst-ie" teens.  They, with their husbands, have provided us with 20 of the most beautiful and above average grandchildren, from whom we derive so much joy.

I have lived most of my life in Northern California until recently moving down to Arcadia to live closer to two of my daughters.  We are loving the weather down here and grab and snuggle grand babies whenever we want.

I have had the privilege of serving in the church all my life.  What a blessing it has been to be in Relief Society Presidencies, Primary Presidencies, teaching Beehives, Girls Camp, Choir director and other musical offerings, Stake Employment Specialist (that was an unexpected challenge), a Bishop's wife twice and now loving the Sunbeam class I team teach with my husband.  I love serving together with him in this way.  Besides my current calling that I absolutely love, I think my favorite calling so far has been Primary music leader.  There is just something so incredibly amazing about hearing those beautiful Primary children sing their hearts out.  It gets me every time.

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