Friday, January 22, 2021


Helaman 5:12 - “ Remember it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, that ye must build your foundation”

Saturday - January 23, 2021 9:00 a.m.

Opening Session 9:00 a.m.   via Zoom

Keynote Speaker  Sister Susan Mullen  - A Member of the Relief Society General Board

First Class 9:45-10:20

English - Paige Chamberlain (Monrovia Ward)   "Righteousness is an everlasting Foundation -  Proverbs 10:25"    Objective: How can making progress in our personal righteousness help us in our families, our ward family, our communities and our ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ?

Spanish - Maria Baez (Buena Vista Branch) - "Laying again the Foundation of Repentance -  Hebrews 6:1"    Objective: How does working on repenting every day help us grow closer to Jesus Christ?

Chinese - Miranda Hu (Mountain View Ward) - “I’ll never no never no never forsake”  Objective: What are the things we need to do to gain a testimony, maintain our conversion and stay strong in the gospel?

Second Class 10: 25-11:00 

Emily Barth - "How to be anxiously engaged without being anxious"
Objective: Introduce life skills to help stay engaged spiritually, socially, and emotionally during trying times.




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